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Toronto, Ontario, Canada
A wandering spirit, a nomadic heart. I go where the wind takes me. With no place to call home, everywhere I go is home. Concrete and soil. Land and sea. Home is where the heart is. Right here in my chest.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Backyard History: Ancient Catacombs

In the backyard of I Moricci, located in a small village in Tuscany, you will find a little piece of history. Ancient Catacombs. I have learned that these are not that unusual to stumble upon in a backyard in Tuscany...

In I go! Dun, dun, duuuun...

Small child-size caskets go here.

Please place lager adult-size caskets here.

A sleeping bat. There were three bats in there today. Two alive...and one dead. Rest in peace lil' bat.
Another catacomb. Unsafe for entry due to fallen stones.
These catacombs were once full, but the caskets and there bodies have since been removed.

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