Who is?

My photo
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
A wandering spirit, a nomadic heart. I go where the wind takes me. With no place to call home, everywhere I go is home. Concrete and soil. Land and sea. Home is where the heart is. Right here in my chest.

Saturday, October 8, 2011

The Introduction: Who is Eartha Lustig

For those of you who just happened to stumble upon my blog... Hi! My name is Eartha. I am a 25 year old woman from Vancouver Island. I have moved 35 times in the past 8 years. I'm always in search of something different, something new. It's not about the grass being greener, it's about it being a different shade.

For the past 3 years I have been living in Toronto. This being the longest I have lived anywhere ( Aside from my home town, Comox, BC, which I left for the big city lights of Vancouver, when I was 17). I have recently grown tired of the city and am fed up with my attempts of fighting my nomadic heart and wandering spirit. So here comes this plan for Adventure...

Starting in February/March I plan to WWOOF my way around Europe, starting in Romania and working my way over to Ireland and the UK. With this desire for travel and discovery also comes a desire to get back in touch with nature and back in touch with myself. Living in the city can be so distracting and it can sometimes be easy get off track and lose yourself in the hustle and bustle of the daily grind.

So what is WWOOFing? WWOOF stands for world wide opportunities on organic farms. It allows people like you and I to travel all over a country and even all over the world for very little money. In exchange for a few hours of work a day (typically 5 days a week), you receive food (amazing, fresh organic food!)to fill up your belly and a roof to put over your head. But it's not just about traveling on a budget. It's about promoting a movement (organic and sustainable living). It's about community. It's about hard (but rewarding) work. It's about the people of the land. It's about culture. It's a way to grow, a way to learn, a way to express and excel. And a way to remember that life can be simple.

Along the way I plan to document as much of my trip as possible via blog entries, photos, and video.

Stay tuned!

1 comment:

  1. very interesting blog Eartha, hope all is well in your travels
